Thank you for taking the time to look at our school website. Hopefully, it will give you a sense of the excellent work that takes place in our school community and our commitment to ensuring that students thrive and flourish.
The school has a long history that dates to 1599 when Queen Elizabeth I bestowed the Charter on the people of Hexham, to deliver education that would provide an Outstanding eagerness to promote good learning. From that original intention we derive our school ethos of respect, engage, and aspire. We are committed to helping our young people thrive and flourish. Our overall aims are to ensure that every student lives and breathes the values and ethos of our school.
- Respecting themselves, others, and the wider world.
- Engaging enthusiastically in their learning, school life and as global citizens.
- Aspiring to achieve well, succeed in life and create a better world for everyone.
We know that students thrive when they feel safe and secure. Our staff develop positive relationships with students based on trust and respect. Everyone has the highest expectations and ambitions for our young people. I know that the key to unleashing the potential of children and young people is excellent teaching in an inspiring environment. Our teachers deliver high quality teaching in every lesson, every day. The new school building that opened in September 2021 provides facilities that reflect the ambition of our school and the requirements of a 21st century learning environment. The quality of teaching and learning underpins the continuing success of our students in national qualifications and vocational courses. We are proud of the progress that students make at Queen Elizabeth High School.
Being the Head of School at Queen Elizabeth High School is a privilege. I remain in awe of the confident, talented, and articulate young people that I meet in our school. Since I started in January 2021, I have also been impressed with the way in which the community has navigated different challenges and changes. This is a school that’s success is underpinned by care and compassion for the children, the staff, and the wider community. Please come and visit.
Neil Seaton, Head of School