Our school promotes high standards and all students, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching, which enables them to make the best possible progress and develop as valued members of our school community.
We offer a range of provision to support children with all SEND such as difficulties in the following areas:
- communication and social interaction
- cognition and learning difficulties,
- mental health problems
- physical difficulties which affect learning
- sensory impairments
We have high expectations of all students and staff and we believe that it is the entitlement of all to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
School beliefs and values around SEND
- Provision for students with SEND is the responsibility of the whole school and we expect every member of staff accepts and embraces this responsibility.
- All teachers are responsible for the teaching, learning and progress of all students in their class, including those with SEND and who are also supported by specialist staff.
- We recognise the need to work in partnership with parents and value the contribution parents make to their child’s education. Students also contribute their views about the provision provided
- We recognise the individuality of each young person and strive to help them to achieve their full potential. Every student is valued regardless of race, culture or religious beliefs and whatever their abilities or needs.
- All students have the ability to learn and progress and we work to provide an environment where all young people are valued, their potential nurtured and their achievements celebrated. This policy reflects the SEND Code of Practice, 0-25 guidance.
The documents below provide information on our SEND policy and how it is implemented for students, contributing to the Local Authority Offer.
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (PDF)
- SEND Information Report (PDF)
- Northumberland County Council’s Local Authority SEND Local Offer page (External URL)
- Accessibility Plan (PDF)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
The SENDCo for QEHS is Jill Wood. She can be contacted by emailing send@qehs.net