At QEHS, we want to promote greater recycling of school uniform items. To help us build our stocks, we are looking for your support. Please could you send any branded items i.e. QEHS blue v-neck school jumpers, ties, PE tops and shorts or leggings (we can’t accept donations of the legacy QEHS black uniform). 

Once we build up a stock, you can request items using the Uniform request form (online form)

If you have any spare or outgrown uniform or PE kit, any donations would be gratefully received.  We are aware of the current financial challenges that many families are facing and your donations will enable us to help more parents/carers. 

Boot Bank
We now have a ‘Boot Bank’ service for families who’d like to loan football boots from school. We know that boots can be expensive, and we want to make sure everyone is ready for PE lessons. You can request boots using the online form below. You are asked to send a £5 deposit to school if you can and your child can return the boots once they outgrow them or no longer need them. 

In some circumstances, we are able to offer support with new items (jumper/tie/PE kit), please complete the form above for any requests and your child’s deputy head of year will be in touch to discuss the circumstances and what support we are able to provide.

Thank you all so much for your support!