Sixth Form Bulletin 03/07/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Exam Certificate Collection

We are giving students an opportunity to collect any outstanding exam certificates on Thursday 9 July 2020 (10am – 2pm) from the main school entrance.  Please queue at the bottom of the steps and remember to maintain 2m social distancing at all times.  You must bring ID with you. If someone else is collecting on your behalf, they must bring

Pastoral Newsletter #8

Every week the Pastoral Team create a newsletter for students to support mental health and well-being – these are just as important as the academic work! The newsletter also includes advice for staying safe online, weekly challenges, and an insight into lockdown life from a member of the Pastoral Team.  The most recent issue (#8) and previous issues are available

Sixth Form Bulletin 26/06/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Pastoral Newsletter #7

Every week the Pastoral Team create a newsletter for students to support mental health and well-being – these are just as important as the academic work! The newsletter also includes advice for staying safe online, weekly challenges, and an insight into lockdown life from a member of the Pastoral Team.  The most recent issue (#7) and previous issues are available

Sixth Form Bulletin 19/06/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Online Assembly from the Duchess of Cambridge

Tomorrow (Thursday 18 June 2020), the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental well-being among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’ and is based on a lesson plan which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools platform. This

Pastoral Newsletter #6

Every week the Pastoral Team create a newsletter for students to support mental health and well-being – these are just as important as the academic work! The newsletter also includes advice for staying safe online, weekly challenges, and an insight into lockdown life from a member of the Pastoral Team.  The most recent issue (#6) and previous issues are available

Sixth Form Bulletin 12/06/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Sixth Form Bulletin 05/06/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.