Sixth Form Bulletin 27/09/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Study Support Evening

On Thursday 26 September 2019 we held a Study Support Evening for parents/carers of Year 11 students. The evening covered: How students can access support (in the form of paper and electronic resources). Tips and guidance on revision and exam/assessment preparation. How to access any additional school support out-of-lessons. Many thanks to all who attended. Miss Platts’ presentation from the

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

We are delighted to announce that Queen Elizabeth High School will be hosting a charity cake afternoon for students in aid of Macmillan on Friday 4 October 2019 as part of their ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ campaign. Please note, this is a week later than the national coffee morning. We are asking for a donation of £1 per student on

QEHS Racing Team Success

What a way to win! By Mina Dodd, Year 11 QEHS Racing Team are lapping once again, this time heading North with the shared ambitions of taking home a win. On Sunday 22 September the day began with all 10 QEHS students setting off in the early hours of the morning towards North Berwick’s racing track: East Fortune.  The actual

Sixth Form Bulletin 20/09/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Y9 Entry to QEHS: September 2020

Final Open Morning – Tuesday 1 October 2019: 9.10am-11.00am I hope that those of you who managed to come along to one of our open mornings in July found the opportunity to look at QEHS in action both interesting and informative.  For those who have been unable to attend so far, there is a final opportunity to see the school

Freshers’ Fair

Our 2019 Sixth Form Freshers’ Fair took place on Thursday 12 September. The annual event allows Sixth Form students to volunteer for local charities and take part in extra-curricular activities. Students, teachers and external representatives all contributed to a great atmosphere in the Lower School Hall. We are particularly proud of the contribution that our Sixth Form students make to

Alistair’s Tube Challenge

During the summer holidays, four of our Year 13 students undertook the Tube Challenge to raise money for the Great North Air Ambulance Service. The Challenge involves visiting all of London’s 270 London Underground stations in one day, and our students managed this epic undertaking in 17 hours, 44 minutes and 18 seconds! More information is available on their JustGiving

New Buildings for QEHS & HMS: Public Drop-In Events

Thank you to those who were able to attend the recent public drop-in events to find out more about the proposals, following the announcement in August that Galliford Try has been selected as the preferred bidder for the scheme. The information that was displayed at the these events can be found here: QEHS & HMS New Buildings Part 1 QEHS

Learn to Row

QEHS Rowing Club has an outstanding reputation in introducing rowing to juniors aged 13+. Rowing is an extra-curricular club and financially independent of the school so the costs of membership and the Learn to Row course are explained below. QEHSRC is one of the top junior sports clubs in the region, allowing juniors to enjoy rowing in a supportive and