Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable

The exam timetable for the upcoming Year 11 Mock Exam Week has now been released; please see the Exam Arrangements page. The Mock Exam Week (the second of two) will take place Friday 7 February – Thursday 13 February 2020. Individual timetables will be issued to students.

Sixth Form Bulletin 10/01/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Rowing Club

There was an incident on the River Tyne on Monday involving some Year 9 rowers. The students got into difficulty and were rescued by the emergency services. The students are all fine, and our coaches acted quickly and clearly to ensure the students’ safety was maintained. We would like to thank all the emergency services involved for their prompt and

Hugh Pym Visit

Written by Daisy A, Year 13 On Wednesday a group of Sixth Formers had the incredible opportunity to meet the BBC Health Editor (and brother of Mr Pym in the Art Department!) Hugh Pym in school. Hugh has worked in various roles for ITN, Sky and the BBC, covering politics, economics and health. He discussed the huge variety of careers in the media and

Sixth Form Bulletin 19/12/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Sixth Form Bulletin 13/12/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Fundraising: Children in Need & Movember

A big thank you to all staff, students and parents/carers who were involved in and donated to the Children in Need and Movember campaign during November this year. The combined total raised for both charities was over £2000! Thanks again for your support for these worthy causes. Mr Brown, Mr Manns and Mr Wilson

Exam Certificate Collection: Update

Reminder: if students sat exams in Summer 2019, their exam certificates are ready for collection from the Exams Office in the Hydro Building until July 2020. We would prefer students to collect certificates before the end of April 2020. Please note: any parents/carers who are collecting on a student’s behalf (see below) or students who have left school must make

Christmas Lunch

On Wednesday 11 December 2019 we are offering students the opportunity to have a traditional Christmas lunch with all the trimmings for £3.25. All students are welcome to have a Christmas lunch. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals this will be covered by their daily allowance. Form tutors will carry out a ‘hands up’ survey on Monday

Food Bank Collection: Rewards Breakfast

Congratulations 9-DWN and form teacher Mr Noble for being the tutor group who collected the most food donations this year for West Northumberland Food Bank on Burn Lane, Hexham. As you can see they fully enjoyed their rewards breakfast last Friday in the Year 9 café. Well done again to all staff, students and parents/carers who donated this year! Mr