Flu Vaccinations Year 9

Please note that nasal flu immunisations for Year 9 will take place this Friday morning, 9 December. In order for your child to have the immunisation, you will need to complete an online consent form. This can be accessed via any online device. Please click on the following linkhttps://www.northumbriaimmunisations.co.uk/Forms/Flu Please complete the consent form in full using the following school

End of Term Arrangements

Term ends on the 23 December at 12.30pm for students in Y9-11. Sixth Form students will finish at lunchtime on the 22 December following their Christmas celebration. Ms Platts will be in touch with more information about the event. For students in Y9-11 the 23 December will be non-uniform Christmas jumper day. Students will be in lessons that morning and


The process for applying for a Year 9 place for September 2023 opened last month. Should you wish your child to secure a place in Year 9 or Year 5 at HMS in September 2023, you need to apply by Monday 31 October 2022, irrespective of your child’s current school. In other words, the allocation of a place is not

Open Evening and Tours

QEHS Open Evening on Thursday 29 September 2022 On Thursday 29 September we will be hosting an open evening for prospective Y9 students with their parents/carers. There will be talks on life at Queen Elizabeth High School from Mr Atkins (Executive Head), Mr Seaton (Head of School) and other leaders with responsibility for pastoral care and student well-being. There will


We are delighted with the results achieved by our students in their examinations this year. Queen Elizabeth High School presented over 300 students for the first set of in person GCSE (or equivalent) exams in three years and we are proud of the resilience and determination that the students demonstrated, despite the challenges they have faced. Nearly two thirds of

QEHS Delighted with Y13 Results

Queen Elizabeth High School is delighted to report some outstanding achievements by its students in their A levels and equivalent qualifications this summer. This group of students have shown resilience in the face of challenging circumstances and regardless of grades should be proud of what they have achieved. Students from Queen Elizabeth continue to progress in large numbers to employment

Tours of New School Building

On Thursday 14th July, between 4.30pm and 7.30pm, Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School will be hosting tours of their new buildings and facilities for local residents and the wider community. Those interested in booking a tour can do so via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/375212559867

Year 13 Progression Day Slides

The presentations from the Year 13 Progression Day can be viewed below.  Personal Statement Presentation 2022 Academic Personal Statement Presentation 2022 Vocational  Comparing University Courses 2022

QEHS Pop Up Uniform Shop – 14th May

Saturday 14th May, Winter Gardens, Queen Elizabeth High School 10.00am – 4.30pm   We are excited to announce that this year we are able to offer an onsite uniform pop up shop. Please click here to book your appointment.    Your child will have plenty of time to try on their new uniform, with advisors from Michael Sehgal on hand