Y12 Journalism Opportunity

The Telegraph are running a 4-week online programme in March 2022, in which students can learn about journalism and many other media roles. Students from all subjects are welcome. See flyer below for full details. You can apply here. The deadline is 5pm on Friday 12th November. All GDPR and security online will be adhered to with the Telegraph.

KS5 Gaming Challenge!

Please see below details of a gaming challenge run by Newcastle University and Ubisoft. If you are interested, please see Mr Williams either after school on Thursday 4th November or at break on Friday 5th November, in room LA8. Note: The University visit is on the 1st December, not the 8th as in the flyer. 

UK Parliament Week, 1-7 November

We are celebrating UK Parliament Week by having assemblies on the theme of ‘Democracy’ all week as well as activities that we will be doing in tutorial. Students will be shown a message from our MP Guy Opperman. We are also launching our ‘Year and School Council’ elections this week. Follow @YourUKParl on Twitter! #UKPW

Hello Yellow – World Mental Health Day

On Friday 8 October, pupils and staff are invited to wear yellow to raise awareness of World Mental Health Day. In support of the charity Young Minds, children can choose to wear something yellow (yellow t-shirt, jumper, accessories etc). If students would prefer, they can wear their school uniform. This week, we’ll focus on positive mental health and wellbeing in

Temporary Phone Number

Unfortunately our main telephone number isn’t working today (Thursday 30 Sept) so if you need to contact school urgently, please call 01434 610 351, or email admin@qehs.net. 

Open Evening Dates & Details

Full details of our Open Evening can be found below. This is for parents/carers of students who will be in Year 9 in September 2022. If you would like to attend, please complete this form.   To book tours on our Open Days (14th and 15th October), please click this link.