Celebration Assemblies

Staff and Students have all enjoyed our Christmas celebrations this week. There was competitive fun at the Y9 celebration assembly with tutor groups competing to be the Kahoot champion with Miss Savage championing. 9RES are looking forward to enjoying their class prize.  Y10 had festive fun in their rewards assembly with form tutor ‘Finish the Lyrics’ and charades. Mrs Cleland

Netball Team Update

As we come to the Christmas break, I just wanted to update you on the success of our girl’s netball teams so far in the league. In the season so far, the year 10 team have made a very good start playing some very competitive games. The year 9 team are currently unbeaten in the league and will represent the school

Emotional Health And Wellbeing – Free Online Courses

Emotional health and wellbeing – free online courses are now available for parents, carers, grandparents and teens!  The aim is to nurture emotional health and wellbeing from bump to 19+ years. Northumberland County Council has partnered with the Solihull Approach to offer free access to expertly designed online courses for parents, carers, grandparents and teens in our region.  Sign up

Yr 11 & Yr 13 Celebration Awards

We welcomed eminent historian and author Dan Jackson to present our Y11 and Y13 awards at celebration evening. Many alumni returned to receive awards as well as current Y12 students. Our musical performances from Imogen, Anni and Iris were exemplary. Here’s a picture of Mr Atkins and Dan Jackson. Congratulations to all the award recipients.

P-Point Rewards

Students in Years 9 & 10 have enjoyed spending their P-Point Rewards this week. Some took the opportunity to enjoy a gaming afternoon at Newcastle United Foundation, while others opted for cuddles and a walk with Arlo!

U14 Girls County Ruby Tournament

We had great success at the U14 Girls County Ruby Tournament yesterday with a very strong Y8&9 team. The girls were amazing in awful weather and on the wettest pitches which made for some spectacular sliding tries! In the first game against Blyth we won 9-1 with tries from Abby A(2), Charlotte A(2), Tiana (2) Lucy C, Evie N, and

Sunday Times Parent Power Top Schools List

The high school are delighted to once again be listed as one of the top schools in the north east. This year we have moved back to 2nd place and are still the highest placed school in Northumberland. Two thirds of our A Level results were A*-B in 2023.  We are also pleased to have moved up 20 places to 239

Politics and History Sixth Form Trip to London

Sixth form students attended the A Level politics conference in Westminster Methodist Hall, London. They heard from Chris Bryant, Ed Davies, Emily Thornberry, Jess Philips, Jeremy Corbyn, Jacob Rees-Mogg and others. The students listened to some challenging and stimulating debates on poverty and asylum. The event was followed by a quick bite to eat in the Hard Rock Cafe and