Building Character & Skills
This year we will be focusing on the following virtues:
Each virtue links to the The Jubilee Centre Framework for Character Education in Schools and the QEHS ethos of Respect, Engage, Aspire.
- Critical thinking – Intellectual Virtue – ‘Engage’
- Courage – Moral Virtue – ‘Respect’
- Compassion – Moral Virtue – ‘Respect’
- Civility – Civic Virtue – ‘Respect’
- Community – Civic Virtue – ‘Respect’
- Confidence – Performance Virtue – ‘Aspire’

Civic Virtues
Character traits that are necessary for engaged, responsible citizenship, contributing to the common good. Examples include:
- Citizenship
- Civility
- Community
- Awareness
- Neighborliness
- Service
- Volunteering
Intellectual Virtues
Character traits necessary for discernment, right action and the pursuit of knowledge, truth and understanding. Examples include:
- Autonomy
- Critical thinking
- Curiosity
- Judgement
- Reasoning
- Reflection
- Resourcefulness
Performance Virtues
Character traits that have an instrumental value in enabling the intellectual, moral and civic virtues. Examples include:
- Confidence
- Determination
- Motivation
- Perseverance
- Resilience
- Leadership
- Teamwork
Moral Virtues
Character traits that enable us to act well in situations the require an ethical response. Examples include:
- Compassion
- Courage
- Gratitude
- Honesty
- Humility
- Integrity
- Justice