At Queen Elizabeth High School we offer a curriculum which reflects our commitment to enabling all of our students to develop their knowledge and understanding, skills and mindset, so that they can take their next steps with confidence.
Curriculum Intent
- The curriculum ensures that students treat everyone with respect. Our young people form flourishing relationships and make informed decisions that allow them to thrive.
- Students are respected and the inclusive curriculum meets the needs of all learners.
- Students learn to listen, analyse and critique a wide range of views and opinions.
- Students respect themselves, are safe and care about others. The curriculum promotes excellent physical, social and mental health.
- The curriculum reflects the heritage, environment, and culture of Northumberland. Students have a rich understanding of their region’s place in the country and its history.
- Students understand, respect and celebrate people of all cultures and nationalities. The curriculum teaches students about democracy, liberty and the rule of law.
- Students understand their responsibilities as global citizens and are enabled to care for the environment and a sustainable world.
- The curriculum inspires students to know more, learn more and do more. Students are engaged in and understand what they are studying and why the knowledge is relevant to their lives.
- Students read fluently and for pleasure. Students are inspired to problem solve, be creative and think entrepreneurially.
- The curriculum leads students to participate in the extra-curricular life of the school and students relish being part of school life.
- The knowledge students gain through the curriculum enables them to participate in their community. Students enhance their knowledge through trips, visits and engagement with industry, cultural and community organisations.
- Students can be active in their community through clubs, volunteering, and charity work.
- The curriculum ensures students understand their place in the world and explore the wider world through STEAM language, literature, history and culture.
- The school recognises and celebrates a wide range of successes and students do their best in all activities in order to succeed.
- The curriculum provides students with the knowledge required to make informed choices about their future. Through challenge, inspiration and guidance, students continue to flourish beyond school. Students are able to access a variety of exciting careers and pathways after school.
- Through high-quality teaching, students will develop a passion for learning that they will take into later life.
- Students are ambitious for our local community. Their participation in community life will seek to improve the quality of the local environment and the experience of others.
- Students participate in democracy through being active citizens. They are aspirational for themselves, their families and the future of the planet. Our young people combat discrimination and are committed to social justice.
An ambitious curriculum that enables everyone to thrive and flourish
Curriculum Overview
Further information on how the school ensures that the curriculum and school environment is accessible for all students may be found in the school Send Policy and in the QEHS Accessibility Action Plan, which can be found on the school's Policies Page.
PoliciesStay Safe and Well
We strive to ensure that our students understand how to lead safe and healthy lives.
For more information on how we do this across the year for all of our year groups please visit our Stay Safe and Well Page.
Stay Safe and WellCareers
In all year groups, students benefit from an age-appropriate, careers programme to support them in being successful, prosperous and happy in their future lives. Details of the opportunities available can be found on our Careers Page.
CareersContact Information for Curriculum-related Issues
Please use the following guide to help you decide the appropriate point of contact for any curriculum-related issues:
General question about your child's work, progress, or homework?
Subjects Teachers
By note via your child or by contacting the main switchboard on 01434 610300
A concern about your child's progress or experience in a particular subject?
Curriculum/Subject Leaders (see the Meet Our Staff page under the School Life menu)
Contact the main switchboard on 01434 610300
General enquiries related to the curriculum options, higher education applications or complex academic issues involving more than one subject?
The Sixth Form Team
Telephone the Sixth Form Office on 01434 610312 or email sixthform@qehs.net
Other matters?
Please phone 01434 610300 and we will direct your enquiry to the appropriate person