Queen’s Hall Exhibition

Come down to Queen’s Hall Arts, Hexham, between 8 June and 13 July 2019 to celebrate our amazingly talented former and current students’ artwork on show in our exciting new exhibition ‘Presence’.

Sixth Form Bulletin 17/05/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

A Level/BTEC Level 3 Exams: Important Notice

Please note that Year 13 students remain at school until the morning of Friday 17 May 2019. They will celebrate their time at QEHS in the traditional Leavers’ Assembly at 9.00am. During this remaining period of time: Students may stay at home to revise in the morning if they have an exam in the afternoon. They may remain in school

GCSE Exams: Important Notice

Please note that Year 11 students remain at school until the end of school on Thursday 23 May 2019.  During this period: Students may stay at home to revise in the morning if they have an exam in the afternoon. They may remain in school (in lessons) after this exam or they may go home to revise – in some

Year 10 Textiles

The images below are the recent work of our Year 10 Textiles students. They have created some extremely creative paper dresses, working in groups to create these innovative designs using only paper, glue and pins! The designs are displayed in the foyer of the Hydro building and we have had many compliments about the standard of the work. We are

Sixth Form Bulletin 03/05/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Sixth Form Bulletin 26/04/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Year 12 Ski Trip

Over 20 of our Year 12 students enjoyed a fun-filled week of skiing at Serre Chevalier resort in France during the Easter holiday. Mrs Bevan, the trip leader, sent through some photos of the group during their time away! 

Easter Revision Sessions

We are running the following revision sessions in school over the Easter holidays. Please note that the Year 11 Music session is on Monday 8 April, which is an amendment to what was originally published. Year 11 PE: Monday 8 April 2019 (9.00am – 3.00pm) Music: Monday 8 April 2019 (10.00am – 2.30pm) Geography: Tuesday 9 April 2019 (10.30am –

Sixth Form Bulletin 29/03/19

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.