Year 12 Drama Students

Year 12 drama students performed their fantastic devised plays on Thursday evening before we broke up for Easter. Their hard work and commitment really paid off and they should be very proud of the pieces they made. Students were given a stimulus of an extract from a play, The Visit, and using a Brecht style, they came up with their

Careers in Health

Our sixth form BTEC and A-level Biologists are having a fantastic time this morning taking part in a “Mini Medics” workshop. Activities include using an ECG machine, using an ultra sound machine to find out if their bones are still growing, and taking fake blood from a phlebotomy arm. They are expanding their horizons in terms of the available careers

The Big Sing

 Roll up for the Big Sing in the QEHS Hall this Friday, April 26th, at 7 p.m! There is till time to get your ticket for a toe-tapping night of iconic songs from musical theatre.The QEHS PTFA will be providing a variety of refreshments on the night. Parent, Teacher & Friends Association – Hexham

Spring Concert Review

The Spring Concert was a great success, with a great deal of variety in styles of music from Baroque to Rock and from Choirs to Ceilidh groups.The mid-concert change of venue from the Wintergardens for the acoustic music to the Hydro Hall, really helped the change in atmosphere for the two very different parts of the evening.Many thanks to Dave

Year 10 BTEC Dance Trip

Year 10 dance students enjoyed an end of term trip to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle to see a magical production of ‘Edward Scissorhands’ choreographed by Matthew Bourne, New Adventures. It was wonderful to see a large-scale dance theatre production of the bittersweet story of an incomplete boy left alone in a strange new world. The students were inspired by the

The Hustings

Sixth form students James A and Ben S have organised a Hustings event encouraging young people to get involved in politics ahead of the general election.  Meet and ask our parliamentary candidates your questions at QEHS on Friday 26th April 11:20am to 12:30pm. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Hexham Wombles

Save the Date! The Hexham Wombles will be holding a litter pick around our school community on Saturday 18th May. It would be great to see lots of our students supporting them!

Bronze Industrial Cadet Awards

My school is an island!  Four year 9 students have achieved a bronze industrial cadet award.  The students had to imagine that the school was on an island and come up with ideas as to how the island could be self-sustainable.  They researched the viability of their ideas and built a model to showcase them.  They then had to write