Sixth Form Open Evening

On Thursday 16 November we will be hosting a Sixth Form Open Evening for current year 11 QEHS students and parents/carers, and those considering joining us from another school. We are proud to be one of the top sixth forms in the North of England, outperforming most schools and colleges throughout the region. We provide outstanding support, advice, and guidance

Career and Theatre Trip for A-Level Drama Students

Our Year 12 Drama students have had an exciting trip this week to our local Arts Centre – The Queen’s Hall. There, they got to meet and interview professionals in the industry from the Queen’s Hall technician – Stuart Hanrahan, to the main actress of the show, Danyah Miller.  They found out all about the roles and responsibilities as well

Author Visit – Brian Conaghan

Author Brian Conaghan will be visiting QEHS to talk to Y12 and Y13 on Thursday 9th November. Brian’s presentation to students will touch on themes of not being defined by the place we grow up in, why writing is an important expression of feelings and the bigger themes of his latest book: ‘Treacle Town’. The book is available to buy on School

Sixth Form – Centre For Life Trip

A group of sixth form Biology students attended the ‘Matters of Conception’ conference at the Centre for Life.They used ultrasound machines to scan models of babies and used virtual reality headsets to look at the human reproductive system before taking part in a Q and A discussion with fertility consultants. A really insightful day out!

UKMT Senior Maths Challenge

The further mathematicians in Years 12 and 13 took part in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge on the 3rd of October and there were some great results.Most of the students gained a Gold, Silver or Bronze award and the highest achievers are invited to take part in further assessments.Alice D and Anna-Maria K in Year 13 and Tom C and

Y12 – Beamish Trip

Year 12 history students have been finding out what life was like in 1950s Britain at Beamish today to support their A level studies. They took part in a village council debate about housing and enjoyed traditional fish & chips! 

English Schools XC Cup

QEHS had great success at the first round of the English Schools XC Cup at Temple Park, South Shields.In the Inter boys race there were some outstanding individual results with Arthur DL and Magnus R coming 1st and 2nd combined with great pack running by the rest of the team with Morgan V, Leo DS and Arthur D coming 14,15

World Mental Health Day

This week we have been celebrating ‘World Mental Health Day’ with the help of Northumberland NHS’s ‘Be You’ team. By the end of the week all year groups will have had an assembly on the theme of ‘Worry and Anxiety’.Click here  (external link) to see Sarah and Megan with some reminders of the key messages.

Race Club – Greenpower International Final

This weekend marked our Race Club’s most prestigious event – Greenpower International Final! Sunday was a day of ups, downs and lessons to be learnt BUT our first race of the year with majority of ups! Our sixth form team placed an incredible 5th/19, narrowly beating our two nearest competitors. Our lower school team placed 39th/49, but not due to lack