Children in Need

QE High School raised over £150 for Children in Need. The staff netball match drew in the crowds at lunchtime with a victory for Mr Pym’s pink team. It was a joyful lunchtime event and a worthwhile cause. If families would still like to donate, there is a donations page on School Gateway.

Stonewall Rainbow Laces Offer

We would like to give pupils in school the opportunity to swap their normal trainer/boots footwear for PE to rainbow lessons, celebrating 10 years of the Rainbow Lace campaign with Stonewall.  Pupils may already have some laces.  If not, Stonewall are offering a 15% discount and they can be ordered from their website.  This campaign is optional for pupils but it

Iceland 2023

During the half-term week, Year 13 students went on a GeoScience visit to Iceland to learn about volcanic activity and management. They saw waterfalls, swam in a geothermal pool and trekked across a glacier, plus many more activities. The students had a fantastic time.

Children in Need – Friday 17th November

To raise funds for Children in Need we are holding a staff netball game this Friday. It will take place in the sports hall there is a suggested donation of £1 for students who would like to spectate. You can also make a donation via School Gateway.

Whole School Reads – The Happiest Man on Earth

Students in Y9 and 10 are reading our whole school reads each Thursday in form time and many of our staff are also reading the three books: ‘Happiest Man on Earth’, ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ and ‘Show Us Who You Are’.Mr Seaton is reading ‘The Happiest Man on Earth’ and shares these wise words from Eddie Jaku.