NCC Youth Council Election Results!

The results from the Youth Cabinet & Parliament elections, which took place on the 28th of February, were declared at County Hall yesterday. 7000 students voted across the county and two students from QEHS won a seat on the Youth Cabinet. Congratulations to William C and Ralph D, who begin their two-year term as cabinet members today! Ian P, who

World Book Day

World Book Day 2024 – Thursday 7th March QEHS is celebrating World Book Day with some fun events and competitions, see below for what’s happening next week! #Respect #Engage #Aspire

De-Escalation Strategy Workshops

Parent/Carer Workshop Invite Over the course of the year, there will be parent/carer workshops covering a wide range of interesting topics and providing an opportunity for parents/carers to meet together in school.Our next session will focus on de-escalation strategies. The session will give you practical strategies and techniques to support when your child may be dysregulated or feeling angry, frustrated, or

British Biology Olympiad

Congratulations to Arran and Lucas in year 13 who took part in the British Biology Olympiad. They completed two 45 minute multiple choice papers which included topics and ideas they are not familiar with, testing both their problem solving skills and their core knowledge. Lucas achieved Highly Commended and Arran achieved a Silver award.Well done to both students. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Year 10 Chess Tournament Final

Many congratulations to Philip B who beat Callum H in an enjoyable final of the Year 10 chess tournament on Tuesday in the Hydro Hall. In front of fellow year 10 students, the match was played at a dynamic pace, with intriguing early jousting. The players exchanged several pieces before Philip moved into a commanding position, ultimately forcing mate through

Year 12 Paris Art Trip

28 year 12 visual arts a-level students visited Paris last week in a packed art trip to visit the cultural high life.  Students revelled in the art treasures of The Louvre, The Musee D’Orsay and Pompidou centre, enjoyed pancakes under the Eiffel Tower and saw the sun set from Sacre Coeur.

Cambridge Biology Challenge

We were delighted to find out that a group of year 12 Biologists have won “Highly Commended” for their entry into the first round of the Cambridge Biology Challenge, run by Homerton College. Amelie, Ellen, Freya, Charlotte C, and Rachel H independently organised themselves and submitted their entry to the question “Why don’t animals have wheels?”. This is an example

Centre for Life – Yr13 Trip

Last week the year 13 Biologists attended the Centre for Life to take part in the workshop “PCR- a matter of taste”. Students extracted DNA from their own saliva, amplified it, and used gel electrophoresis to identify the alleles they posses. This is an excellent opportunity for our students to carry out practical work that would not normally be experienced

Family Hubs

Are you a parent going through a separation? Free: Relationship support for parents who are separated or separating.Parents do not attend together.Group A is Tuesday 27th February 19:30 – 22:30Group B is Wednesday 28th February 19:30 – 22:30 Learn:• How to stay calm and listen as well as talk• Why it’s helpful to see things from a different point of view.• What