Ofsted – Parent Survey

Ofsted will be visiting QEHS today and tomorrow to carry out an inspection. Your views are important to us. We would appreciate it if you could take some time to give your feedback via the Ofsted Parent View Survey.If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at the school please follow the link below. https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk. Thank you for your support.

Hustings at QE

Very well done to Archie and Ben in year 12 who organised an entertaining and informative hustings event in school today in front of an audience comprising all year 12 students and school council representatives from Hexham Middle and St Joseph’s Middle. Five prospective parliamentary candidates for the Tynedale and Ponteland constituency took part, each beginning with a short introduction

Football – Northumberland County Cup

Northumberland County Cup Football Success! Hexham Albion U16 boys won the Northumberland County Cup on Tuesday evening. They won 3-1 in an exciting game against local rivals Prudhoe at the Northumberland ground at Whitley Park.Most of the team are from QE.Dan B, Tom B, Charlie C, Charlie C, Jayden G, Arthur I, Joe L, Joe Mc, Ollie P, James R, Benny

Junior Inter-regional Regatta, 20th April

27 QEHS Rowing club athletes qualified to represent the Northern region at the junior Inter-regional regatta, held at Nottingham. The JIRR event is a competition for the best crews from all the regions of England, Wales and Scotland. This was a record number of QEHS athletes selected to represent the region. All crews participate in a time trial in the

Bronze and Silver DofE Awards

 Last week our Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze and Silver participants went on a practice walk from school to the Dipton Burn. A big thanks to all students who got stuck in (the mud!) and staff for volunteering their time. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Year 12 Drama Students

Year 12 drama students performed their fantastic devised plays on Thursday evening before we broke up for Easter. Their hard work and commitment really paid off and they should be very proud of the pieces they made. Students were given a stimulus of an extract from a play, The Visit, and using a Brecht style, they came up with their

Careers in Health

Our sixth form BTEC and A-level Biologists are having a fantastic time this morning taking part in a “Mini Medics” workshop. Activities include using an ECG machine, using an ultra sound machine to find out if their bones are still growing, and taking fake blood from a phlebotomy arm. They are expanding their horizons in terms of the available careers

The Big Sing

 Roll up for the Big Sing in the QEHS Hall this Friday, April 26th, at 7 p.m! There is till time to get your ticket for a toe-tapping night of iconic songs from musical theatre.The QEHS PTFA will be providing a variety of refreshments on the night. https://www.facebook.com/hexhamstagesocietyQEHS Parent, Teacher & Friends Association – Hexham