
After the successful introduction of Arlo to the Trust, we look forward to welcoming Arlo’s little sister Pip to the staff! So many students have benefitted from time with Arlo and it has been lovely to see students interacting so positively with him. Pip is still very young so won’t be properly joining the school until September but she will be

Queens Hall Arts – QEHS Exhibition

Staff and Students from the art department have been putting up the QEHS annual exhibition at Queens Hall Arts in Hexham. The exhibition is called ‘Reaching Out’ and features work by past and present A-level art, photography and Graphic design students with amazing wall art, film and digital projections. Current and recently left sixth formers acted as curators, making the

Student Success!

Student Success!Rowan (QEHS) and her brother Cory (HMS), skated with their team Newcastle Junior Roller Derby at the Northern Juniors Five Nations Roller Derby event in Edinburgh on Saturday. Their team won one game and lost one but have made it through to the final play offs which will be in Stoke on Trent in September against the winners of

Student Success

Charlie G began as a volunteer coach as part of his bronze Duke of Edinburgh award last spring. He has continued coaching at the club, showing dedication and commitment to the team, taking them to compete in tournaments, training and supporting them when he can on Saturdays. This commitment was recognised by the team of coaches and he was awarded

Paris 2024

Students from Year 10 and Year 12 had a great first day in Paris and Versailles, as part of their French languages trip. We visited the town and market of Versailles and the majestic Palace of Versailles. Crêpes for dinner and then an evening cruise on the famous Bateaux Mouches along the Seine, taking in the sites of Paris in

Young Carers

This week our Year 10, 11 and 12 students are attending assemblies led by Northumberland Carers who support all carers under the age of 18, to ensure that all children and young people have the support they need. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Farewell Year 13!

Today we said goodbye to year 13 with breakfast before a leavers’ assembly from Mr Brown. Various ‘Sixth Form Star Awards’ were presented to students and good luck messages shared from teachers, along with photographs of their first day at school. We wish all our year 13 students every success and happiness for the future, hoping they will keep in

LRC Recommended Read

3 billion lives at stake. 2 people who can save them. 1 secret hidden in their DNA The LRC recommended read is This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada.  A must read for fans of The Hungers Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Silver D of E – 2 Day Trek

Well done to our Silver D of E students for completing a very warm two day trek across North Northumberland. The Yellow, Blue and Red teams tackled the hills, woods and sandy terrain. Fellow campers and walkers commented on the student’s excellent manners and behaviour. This expedition prepares students for their qualifying expedition in two weeks time in the Lake