Our school approach to careers adopts an ambitious approach forming part of a much broader trust strategy, providing diverse career knowledge and the acquisition of 21st Century skills and competencies (favoured by the dynamic world of work). This philosophy is underpinned by a knowledge-rich curriculum supported by transferable skills. 

  • We have high aspirations for every pupil in the school and encourage them to be as ambitious as possible. 
  • Our careers programme seeks to fulfill the Gatsby Benchmarks, capitalising on new opportunities where possible to respond to the school’s local and regional context. 
  • We seek to invite different organisations into the school to engage pupils in the own journey to learn more about the world of work. This is part of our ASPIRE Conference. 
  • We aim to break down stereotypical judgements and misconceptions about the world of work. 
  • Pupils, during their time at Queen Elizabeth High School, will receive some guided learning hours of careers education as part of their PSHE programme. 
  • We have a dedicated website careers that acts as a one-stop shop for pupils, parents/carers, teachers and support staff, and other employment and training providers. 

How is CEIAG implemented and monitored for impact?

  • At QEHS, we have developed good links with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP). We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills. We celebrate National Careers Week with appropriate events
  • Careers Education is part of the Quality of Education review process. Staff CPD is planned to give timely updates
  • Trustee review of policy and careers programme. 
To see more information on careers at QEHS, click here