QEHS Admissions Information

The school’s admission limit is 306 in each year group.

The school’s official catchment area is a large one, extending north/south from Humshaugh to Blanchland and east/west from Riding Mill to Hexham.

Following consultation, details of our admissions arrangements for entry in September 2025 can be found here Admissions Policy (PDF).

Information on how to apply is available from the Northumberland County Council Website.

If you would like more information about the application process, please contact the admissions team at Northumberland County Council via email at schooladmissions@northumberland.gov.uk or telephone on 01670 624889. Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone at QEHS, please contact the school office on 01434 610300 or email admin@qehs.net.

How to apply for a place at Queen Elizabeth High School

You are able to apply for a high school place now. Applications for Queen Elizabeth High School and other Northumberland high schools are managed by the admissions team at Northumberland County Council. 

NCC school entry information (external URL)

If you do not apply for a place and you are resident in Northumberland you will be allocated to a school after all other applications have been allocated. You will only be allocated to your catchment school if there are still places available. If there are no spaces, you will be allocated the nearest school which has places available.

If you would like more information about the application process, please contact the admissions team at Northumberland County Council via email at schooladmissions@northumberland.gov.uk or telephone on 01670 624889.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone at QEHS, please contact the school office on 01434 610300 or email admin@qehs.net.

Admission to Queen Elizabeth High School Sixth Form (Years 12-13)

Queen Elizabeth High School Sixth Form is open to all students who are able to meet the entry requirements for our courses. We are proud of the number of our existing students who choose to stay on into the Sixth Form. We are also delighted at the number of students from other schools who choose to join our Sixth Form and how well and quickly they integrate into the life of the school.

Hadrian Learning Trust sets academic entry criteria for the Sixth Form. This is the same for both internal and external places. The minimum entry requirement for the Sixth Form is five 9 to 4 (or A* to C) grades including a 4 or better in English Language (N.B. a Level 2 pass or above in BTEC/OCR courses counts as one GCSE).

If students achieve this minimum entry requirement there will be a range of courses they can take in the Sixth Form. Some of our courses have additional entry requirements, which are explained fully in our Sixth Form Prospectus.

Ensuring that students are on the right courses is central to our advice and application process for the Sixth Form. This process has a number of steps:

NovemberSixth Form Open Evening and Sixth Form Prospectus published
DecemberTaster Day: students have a full day sampling Sixth Form courses
December/ January/FebruaryOne to one interviews for students with a senior member of staff; students make their option choices
AugustGCSE results and review of option choices against entry requirements
SeptemberOpportunity to change options before term starts

For students considering joining the Sixth Form from other schools, we would encourage you to participate in this process as early as possible. Please contact our Sixth Form Team on 01434 610312 or sixthform@qehs.net.

Key Dates for 2024/2025

Thursday 12 September 2024

The Online Admissions Portal for middle, high and secondary schools will be open on the 12th of September 2024.

Admissions application portal (external URL) (You need to register as a new user if you haven’t used the Portal before. If you’ve forgotten your password, select the forgotten password link) – (for late applications, see below) 

Thursday 31 October 2024

Closing date for all applications to be received by the Local Authority

Monday 3 March 2025

National Offer Day

Sunday 16 March 2025

Deadline for parents to refuse the school place

Thursday 20 March 2025

Any places that become available are allocated in criteria order (on time applicants)

Monday 7 April 2025

Deadline for submission of appeals

Friday 18 April 2025

All remaining places are allocated on a first come first serve basis

Friday 27 June 2025

All on time appeals to be heard by this date

Wednesday 31 December 2025

No waiting lists held by the Local Authority after this date

Notes 1. Applications made in the normal admissions round; appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals 2. Any appeals for in-year admissions must be heard within 30 school days of being lodged.

In-Year Applications

If you wish to apply for a place at Queen Elizabeth High School to start at a time other than the usual time of entry or are applying outside of the standard application deadlines, this is called an In-Year application. The Northumberland County Council Admissions team manages this process.

Please use the following to find more information on the NCC website, NCC In-Year Applications Information (external URL).

Select In-year application form (external URL) to make an application.


The Northumberland County Council Admissions team manages the appeals process. If you wish to appeal for a place at QEHS, please find out more by visiting the NCC website, School admissions appeals (external URL)

Please read the School appeals guidance (external URL) document from NCC for more information about the appeals process and the timings involved.

Select Appeal application form (Word doc) to download a copy of the appeals application form.

Completed application forms should be returned to schoolappeals@northumberland.gov.uk.

QEHS School admissions information 2024

Ordering new school uniform

To order new school uniform visit the Michael Seghal website (external URL)

School uniform recycling

To request second hand uniform including football boots, please see our School Uniform Recycling Page

Applying for a place in September 2026

Details of our admissions arrangements for entry in September 2026 can be found here: Admissions Policy for September 2026.

Video Tour of Our School