Mind Matters Parent Survey

Mind Matters Parent Survey

Mind Matters is a project led by a group of QEHS sixth form students in conjunction with Healthwatch Northumberland. Healthwatch Northumberland is based in Hexham and is your health and social care champion, ensuring your experiences of using local NHS services are heard and help to improve health and social care for everyone.

The QEHS project group will be asking students to complete an anonymous survey in school time, sharing their views and experiences of mental health and mental health support services for young people in our community.

They would also like to hear the views of parents and carers, and would be grateful if you could complete the survey accessed via the QR code and link below. Please note:

  • Completing the survey will help the project group to understand what barriers young people face accessing information about what mental health support is available.
  • All information you give will remain anonymous.
  • Your answers will be reviewed and used to write a report to share with NHS and council leaders.
  • Your answers will also help the project group to provide appropriate information about mental health support services available within our locality.

Thank you.

Survey Form