QEHS Rowing Club rowers are in the middle of a busy period of competitions. Saturday gone, saw 59 club members competing at the Hexham Regatta. QEHS Rowing Club were well represented across a range of age group races at our home regatta.
Hexham regatta is a long day’s racing. QEHS first race was at 8am and the last race QEHS crew raced at 6.52pm! The day is split into three divisions to allow for all the races to take place. Regatta Rowing is side by side winner takes all. If you win you move to another race, if you lose your racing is finished.
QEHS rowing club had a number of winning crews across all three divisions. In Division 1 winners were the Op J15 4x+ Freddie C, Theo C, Isaac H, Ben W and Cox Elodie H.
Our division 2 winners were:
WJ14 2x Jennifer W and Isla P.
Op J14 4x+ Jack D, Morty C, Robin BM, Lloyd M and cox Merry
Op 1X Finlay B
Finally in division 3 there was a popular win for Seth M in Op J16 1x.
Well done to all QEHS Rowing Club athletes who attended and performed well. It was great to see everyone pushing hard and putting in the effort.
A special thank you to coaches Tom and Pam for making this another successful day. Your effort is very much appreciated.
Our next Regatta is this weekend. QEHS Rowing Club rowers will be competing at the Durham Regatta on Saturday. Good luck to all crews competing.