QEHS Rowing Club News

Last weekend, QEHS took over 60 rowers to Durham to race the first regatta of the season. We came away with 7 wins overall with incredibly competitive racing from all crews. This included many of our junior crews beating adult crews, showcasing the great standard of rowing we have at QEHS.
Special mention to all of the year 9 crews in their first regatta, with lots of very mature racing and close results. Winning crews are as follows:
Open Novice Four: Josh M, Mack O’B, Dennis D, James B, cox Edward F
Womens band 2 four: Chloe P, Evie G, Ellen S, Rachel H, cox Katrine C
Year 10 boys quad: Josh M, Jacob F, Dennis D, Alexis H-H, cox Edward F
Open band 2 four: Benji W, Felix W, Adam R, Hugh B, cox Katrine C
Womens Pair: Charlotte G, Lucy W
Open band 2 singles: Finn B
Year 11 boys band 2 singles: Seth M