New support groups for Mums and Dads running in Hexham and Prudhoe! These groups are in partnership with Northumberland Family Hubs, and the aim is to create a safe space for parents/carers to talk about any issues they are facing.
Mindful Mamas (Hexham) – Thursdays (Fortnightly/Term time only*) 1pm-2.30pm at Hexham Family Hub. *Upcoming Dates: 7th March & 21st March.
Mindful Mamas (Prudhoe) – Mondays (Fortnightly/Term time only*) 1pm-2.30pm at Prudhoe Family Hub. *Upcoming Dates: 11th March & 25th March.
What’s The Craic? For Dads and Male Carers (Hexham) – Wednesdays (Fortnightly/Term time only*) 1pm-2.30pm at Hexham Family Hub. *Upcoming Dates: 6th March & 20th March.
What’s The Craic? For Dads and Male Carers (Prudhoe) – Wednesdays (Fortnightly/Term time only*) 1pm-2.30pm at Prudhoe Family Hub. *Upcoming Dates: 13th March & 27th March.
These sessions are FREE for primary care givers of 0-19 year old’s (or up to 25 with additional needs) who live or work in Northumberland.
There are online support groups if anyone can’t get there in person. Details are on our website:*