This weekend marked our Race Club’s most prestigious event – Greenpower International Final!
Sunday was a day of ups, downs and lessons to be learnt BUT our first race of the year with majority of ups! Our sixth form team placed an incredible 5th/19, narrowly beating our two nearest competitors. Our lower school team placed 39th/49, but not due to lack of effort! We made near-perfect strategic decisions based on data but didn’t have the impact we thought. This, and a wander around the paddock, has left us with thoughts, ideas and a growing to do list for future car development.
On Monday the team visited IWM Duxford to experience engineering developments throughout the years. From a Concorde to a Comet, a Vulcan to many Spitfires…and lots of different planes in between, it’s certainly left us with inspiration!
Massive well done and round of applause to the whole team, here’s to GP24.