QEHS Rowing Club has an outstanding reputation in introducing rowing to juniors aged 13+. Rowing is an extra-curricular club and financially independent of the school so the costs of membership and the Learn to Row course are explained below.
QEHSRC is one of the top junior sports clubs in the region, allowing juniors to enjoy rowing in a supportive and safe environment. The fitness and flexibility developed through rowing will enhance any other sporting activity. There are many opportunities for personal development and there
are four captains who help to manage all sessions and events and support new members.
Our excellent fleet of distinctive yellow boats and equipment are specific for juniors. QEHSRC competes locally and at national events, including preparing and supporting young people involved in GB competitive and performance pathways.
The club is run by volunteers Pauline Higgins (Rowing Coordinator) and Geoff Higgins (Lead Coach) supported by two paid coaches and parent volunteers.
We are very flexible so students can start the L2R at any time whilst at QEHS.
L2R will begin for any students wishing to try rowing on Monday 16 September at Tyne Green Boathouse at 3.50pm. Initially, training will be offered on Mondays & Wednesdays 3.50 – 6.00pm and Sundays 10.30 – 1.00pm. Attendance at every training session is not necessary.
Cost up to Oct 31st 2019 is £30 payable by cheque to QEHS Rowing or cash. Thereafter full membership is £20 per month by standing order or cheque.
Just turn up at Tyne Green Boathouse with suitable sports kit. To register your interest or for more information please contact Pauline Higgins on:
Home – 01434 230687, Mob. – 07812993465 or email ghiggins20@aol.com