Connecting Classrooms: Day 2

Updated 11/02/20

Mrs Fletcher-Woods is currently in Ethiopia for the reciprocal visit in our Connecting Classrooms partnership with Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She has sent through an update and photos!

Day 1: Today we visited Assai public school where students can go from age 7-18. We toured the school and spent time speaking to lots of children. Some of the students presented the wind turbine, solar heating and water filtration projects.

Day 2: It has been a very busy but amazing day today. This morning visited the British council buildings before heading to the Little Angels Primary School. The children put on an amazing show for us which included traditional dancing, singing, discussions about some of the biggest global issues and a Q&A session with the teachers from the UK. This afternoon we have visited the National Museum to see the skeleton of Lucy. Lucy is the oldest known human skeleton to be found anywhere in the world; she belongs to the hominid species Australopithecus afarensis and is 3.2 million years old!