Here, you will find a combination of virtual and in-person opportunities from the University and College Sectors. We ask students and their parents to research fully any opportunities advertised on the noticeboard to ensure they are happy with the organisation they are linking with and its value for money if there is a cost.

Notices & Key Dates

  • Find an Open Day  – Open days are an important way to learn about how a subject is taught and what you will study, from course tutors. Our advice is to prioritise course talks over general talks. If time/money are a constraint you can learn a lot from visiting local universities. If you are on the Sixth Form bursary, you can request that school helps with the costs, please talk to Mr Brown or Lucy.

  • The Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) aims to encourage students to aspire to have professional careers / go to university. The students they support are from backgrounds where financial disadvantage might make this more challenging or where their family’s experience of education and employment might mean they are less likely to do so. If you think you might be eligible, please talk to the sixth form team or email

  • Student Finance Applications  – We recommend that students make their student finance application as early as possible. They should avoid waiting until they get their exam results. Applying early allows them to concentrate on their studies in the coming months, knowing when they start university, they’ll have their money in time to start their course. Students should apply for student finance based on their first-choice (Firm) course and university. They can easily change this before their studies. The most important thing is to get the application in!

Featured - New Courses

Special and Inclusive Education prepares you to be a forward-thinking professional, with expertise in creating equitable learning pathways and opportunities for diverse learning profiles, including special and additional educational needs. 

Find Out More

Combined Honors in Social Sciences  – allows you to create your own bespoke programme suited to your individual interests, strengths and career plans.  You can choose up to 4 subjects within Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

Find out More

Drawing on the expertise of leading academics and researchers in the field, you will explore the origins and present-day contexts of societal conflicts about power, participation, and resources.

Find Out More


Online Session


Channel Talent – University of East Anglia, End of Audience,  Thursday 24th April 10:10am – 10:55am

Consider the argument that audience – in terms of a mass of viewers, listeners or readers – needs to be fundamentally rethought, encouraging participants to reflect on their own engagements with media and consider the complexity and multidimensionality of twenty-first-century media audiencehood.

The session presents an excellent opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the ideas around how society experiences and consumes media and film and the likely trajectory.


Online Session


Channel Talent – University of East Anglia,  Thursday 30th April 10:10am – 11:00am

Protectionism Rising: Trade War and The Pursuit of ‘Optimum Tariffs’.

This session invites you to discuss with us the significance of global trade promoted through decades of increased openness around the world, against new calls for protectionism and ‘trade war’. We shall consider first the most important players in the global economy and ask to what extent the escalation of tariffs in the USA might hurt the American economy first, followed by its closer and more distant trade partners.


Online Workshop

Age 16+

Channel Talent – University of Warwick, Wednesday 30th April, 4:15 pm – 5:15pm

This will discuss what makes a good doctor and describe the different options for pursuing a medical career, including undergraduate medical degrees and graduate-entry medicine. They will describe courses that can lead to a range of medicine-related careers, whilst keeping the option of studying to be a doctor open. They will also give insights into what it’s like to study medicine and the support their university offers to non-medical undergraduates interested in going on to study graduate-entry medicine.


Online Workshop

Age 16+

Channel Talent – University of East Anglia & Ispa, Thursday 1st May, 11:30 am – 12:20 pm

Psychology: The Research Process – From Analysis to Final Conclusions

The workshop is designed to support students with their own research projects whilst giving them an insight into how contemporary research in Psychology, and the Social Sciences more broadly, is carried out.

The session will focus on the findings of a live Psychology research project that was initiated in Autumn last year. The ongoing research concentrates on prosocial behaviour and the interplay between individual traits (internal factors) and external environmental factors on shaping those behaviours.

The research team will explore the analysis approach and explain key elements of the results in relation to statistical concepts. The team will discuss the extent to which what they have found supports (or fails to support) the original hypotheses, and aligns with other evidence previously reported in the literature.

A short introductory video will be available soon to give students further context in preparation for the live session on 1st May.


In Person Event

Yrs 12 & 13

Historical Association & University of Sheffield – Thursday 26 June

We are pleased to be hosting a Doing History at University event for students and teachers in partnership with the University of Sheffield — one of the largest, most active and successful centres for teaching and historical research in the UK.

The event on 26 June will introduce students to history at university. It will give them a better understanding of what it might be like before making an application and provide support on how to make them stand out in the application process. The programme for the day will include:

  • 💡 Advice about admissions from the University of Sheffield
  • 🪜 Making the transition from sixth-form to university history
  • 🔍 What makes a great undergraduate historian
  • 📝 How to make a UCAS application stand out
  • 👩🏻‍🏫 A sample lecture from Professor Julie Gottlieb
  • 👥 A sample seminar with Dr Miriam Dobson
  • 💼 Support for those applying to universities with interviews
  • 🧑‍🎓 A chance for students to meet current undergraduates

Spaces are limited, so book early to ensure you and your students join us in Sheffield on 26 June.

Student Finance

Virtual Insight Programme

Yr 11 & 12

PwC Virtual Insight Programme – Tuesday 29th July – Thursday 31st July 2025

Students don’t need a confirmed place at university to submit a funding application. 

Applications can take 6-8 weeks to process, so encourage your students to apply as early as possible to get their funding in place for the start of university. 

Over three days of interactive sessions – Tuesday 29 July – Thursday 31 July – students will learn about PwC’s culture, different business areas, and how they can apply to join one of the world’s largest accounting firms. 

They’ll also get guidance and top tips on the application process and support building their skills ready for the workplace.  

The programme is open to Years 11 and 12.

The deadline for applications is Friday 28 March. 

Student Finance

Online Session

Yrs 12 & 13

Durham University  – Wednesday 2nd April, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Would you like more guidance to help you support your students’ finance applications?

Join our upcoming webinar, in which our Student Loans Manager Raj Singh will give you his expert advice on what they need to submit their applications.

He’ll outline the documents needed to apply, the main university costs and the student financial support available. There’ll also be time for you to ask your questions. 

Anyone who would find this guidance useful is invited to attend this session. Please let your students know about this opportunity. 


Summer School

Widening Participation

Year 12

Leeds University – Summer School Programmes

June and July 2025, University of Leeds

Our programme of summer schools provides an opportunity for Year 12 students to explore a chosen subject area and experience what it’s like to live and learn at Leeds.

Leeds Summer Schools are available in Biological Sciences, Engineering, Food Science and Nutrition, Languages, Mathematics, Medicine (non-residential) and Social Sciences.

There may be a contribution towards travel costs for eligible students.

Applications are now open and will close on Sunday 6 April 2025.

All Subjects

Online Information Sessions

Yr 12

Edinburgh University – Various dates

We run a range of online events that you can access wherever you are in the world.

Our regular ‘Introduction to the University of Edinburgh’ sessions provide an overview of what it’s like to study with us, and the opportunity to ask questions. View the event details and book a session below.

As well as our regular sessions, from time to time we will run online events which are specific to a particular subject area. We will update those on our mailing list when booking opens for relevant events.


Summer School


Royal Veterinary College – Pre -Vet Summer School, Applications Closing date Tuesday 22nd April 2025

The Pre-Vet Summer School is one of the RVC’s most immersive, preparatory programme for students with an aspiration to study Veterinary Medicine. This 13-day residential Summer School is based at RVC’S Hertfordshire Campus and offers work experience in cutting-edge animal hospitals and animal handling environments with students gaining between 25 and 30 hours that can be used towards an application. Students, no matter their previous experience, typically undertake placements in the RVC’s Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, Equine Referral Hospital as well as non-clinical environments such as Boltons Park Farm.

Various Subjects


Yr 13

St Chad’s College Durham University  – Application Deadline 27th April 2025

St Chad’s offers a range of named scholarships worth £3,000 per year. At the beginning of a student’s time with us, we commit to £3,000 per year of their studies up to a maximum of four years. The primary purpose of the scholarships is to ensure that all students with the academic potential and motivation to study at Durham and become involved in the wider student experience have the opportunity to do so.



Widening Participation

Year 13

Leeds University – Scholarships, application deadline 12pm on Monday 2nd June

Applications for one of our undergraduate scholarships for UK students are now open. Students who have applied for an undergraduate degree starting in September 2025 and have a household income which meets our criteria, could be eligible for a scholarship worth £3,000 for three years.

Students can check if they are eligible and find out more about the application process by visiting our website.


Live Debates

Yr 11+

Hexham Debates – multiple dates

The live debates will continue to be held online on Saturdays at 11am. We are returning to Zoom. A link will be provided via social media and the website. Recordings will also be made available following each live debate. With the return to Zoom, audience members will be able to ask questions directly to the speaker.

  • Saturday 15 March 2025: On the subject of circular living
    Harriet Lamb, Chief Executive at WRAP
  • Saturday 12 April 2025: On an aspect of public health 
    Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health in Gateshead and Newcastle

Farm Veterinary

Summer School


Royal Veterinary College – Farm Veterinary Summer School, Closing Date Thursday 15th May 2025

The course will be a combination of educational visits by coach to livestock enterprises (surrounding farms, a livestock market, potentially an abattoir), some hands on experience at Sparsholt College (milking cows at 4:30am one morning (!), animal handling, pig pregnancy scanning, parasite diagnostics and attending a post mortem) and seminars and group discussions on topical issues. The maximum number of students is 20, so there is plenty of opportunity for discussion, interaction, exchanging ideas, making friends and questioning teaching staff and the host farmers. The course is run by three farm vets from the Royal Veterinary College and supported by two student ambassadors who are currently studying to become vets.

Oxford University

Enrichment Programme

Yr 7 to 12

Oxford University, Trinity College Beyond the Classroom

An online after-school academic enrichment programme featuring a series of mini lectures, taster sessions, academic skills talks and advice about preparing for university study and submitting a competitive application to university and the University of Oxford. 

A certificate of participation from Trinity College, Oxford, for those attending 7 or more sessions! 

Who: Any state school student in Year 7 to 12 interested in exploring learning across a broad range of themes and cross subject beyond the classroom and/or applying to Oxford.

When: starts Wednesday 5 March, concludes Wednesday 9 July, 2025.  Where: Online via Teams.

Closing date: 8 July.  


Summer Schools

Widening Participation

Yr 12

University of Leeds- Summer School – Closing date 6th April 2025

Are you studying A-Level French, Spanish or German? Experience what it’s like to study languages at university on our free residential for Year 12 languages students! 

At Linguastars, you will take part in engaging and interactive workshops designed to give you a taster of studying languages at university and explore the career opportunities available to graduates. During our 3-day residential, 24-26 June, there will be the opportunity to discover new languages, meet our current languages students and stay overnight in our student accommodation. You will also be joining in with social activities that give you a rounded experience of university life. 

Dates 24th – 26th June 2025

Medicine & Dentistry

Advice on Preparing for applications

Yr 12

Medical Schools Council – Preparing to apply

The Medical Schools Council recommend that students start preparing now for dentistry and medicine applications so that they have everything in place for this time next year.

Writing a personal statement for Medical School & Dental School


Residential Insight into University Course

Yr 12

EDT – June-August 2025

These are summer schools at various top Universities that run over 4 or 5 days where students get a taster of university life and an insight into a specific STEM subject.  Students will get the opportunity to experience university style lectures and work on activities and group projects with the support of academics and student mentors. Students will stay in halls of residence and will take part in social activities in the evenings, so that they get the full university experience.

Useful Resources/Opportunities

All Subjects

On Demand Webinars

Yrs 12 & 13


These impartial videos have one key aim. To support students who are considering university to make informed future subject decisions. They feature guest speakers from a range of different universities, who are always experts in the subject being explored.


Online Resource

Yrs 12 & 13

University of Sheffield

This resource provided from the University of Sheffield gives an insight into the world of dentistry. Resource provided via the Futurelearn portal.

Medical Sciences

Online Lectures

Yrs 12 & 13


UCL have an online medical sciences lecture series which is free and open to everyone to get inspired.

Natural Sciences


Yrs 12 & 13

Durham University

At Durham, we actively provide our students with opportunities to develop attributes we hope they have by the time they graduate. One way in which we do this is through our excellent multi-subject degree programmes.

Explore our Natural Sciences webpages to discover whether Natural Sciences at Durham could be a good match for your students.

Oxbridge Focus

  • Think Cambridge Webinar Series

    Think Cambridge 2025 is a week-long series of webinars aimed at inspiring Year 11 and 12 students to think about applying to Cambridge. We also welcome teachers and supporters, and parents and advisors to join webinars, which will give you all the tools you will need to support a Year 11 or 12 future applicant

    The series runs from 27 January to 31 January 2025. Each session is hosted virtually and consists of a presentation, comment from our student ambassadors and additional visual elements. Sessions will be recorded and these will be sent to registered guests up to 48 hours after the session has concluded. This will allow students to watch the session that they are unable to attend at a later date.

    For the full list of webinars, and the booking form, please see the Think Cambridge webpage.

  • Y12 Access and Application Support Programme 2025

     Our Y12 programme is returning again for 2025, and we are delighted to announce that this year we have partnered with Tutorbility again to provide tutoring for participants, in addition to a series of online sessions and an overnight stay in Cambridge. This programme is aimed at Y12 students who are considering applying to a competitive university, and is designed to support them with making informed decisions and building competitive applications, as well as getting a taste of university life.

    To be eligible, students must be:

    • A current Year 12 student interested in studying at a competitive university
    • Predicted/On track for grades of AAB or higher at A Level (or equivalent at IB)
    • A student at a state school within our link area in North East of England, specifically Northumberland, County Durham, Hartlepool, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees, Redcar and Cleveland, York, Hull, and the East Riding of Yorkshire. 
    • More information and the application form can be found on our website here.

      The deadline for applications is Monday 6th December 2025.

  • University of Oxford website
  • Step by Step guide to applying to Oxford Read More
  • The Aim for Oxford Scheme, Aim for Oxford is a free-of-charge programme for Year 12 students attending state schools in the North East of England. Widening Participation, Read More & Apply
  • Oxford for North East contains useful information for students from the North East who might be considering Oxford University. Here you will find information about residential schemes as well as regional and online workshops Read More
  • The Oxford University Outreach, page can help guide you to the events being run by the University/Departments Read More
  • Applications are now open for UNIQ

What As one of the most established programmes of its kind in the UK, UNIQ offers participants access to step-by-step online support as well as a residential based in an Oxford college. The programme is completely free and gives pupils the chance to meet Oxford academics, speak to current students and learn first-hand about the application process and what life might be like at Oxford.  

Who Year12 state school students with good GCSE grades or equivalent from backgrounds that are under-represented at Oxford. Students can find out more about the programme and selection criteria on the UNIQ website

When From April 2025 through to point of application in Year 13.

Where This is an online programme of academic and application support with the opportunity for an Oxford residential experience in the Easter or Summer vacation of 2025. 

  • Oxford Opportunities


Opportunities from the Oxford for North East colleges

North East Residential

What Free travel and accommodation to enable you to join us for our University Open Day on Wednesday 2 July 2025.

Who Year 12 students in state schools across North-East England.

When Coaches will leave the North East on the morning of Tuesday 1 July, leaving Oxford for the return journey on the morning of Thursday 3 July.

Where in colleges and departments across Oxford, staying at one of three colleges.

Links Applications are open now at North East Residential application and will close at 12 noon on Friday 11 April.

St Anne’s College Super-curricular Club

What St Anne’s Super-curricular Club is a series of online academic taster sessions aimed at Year 12 students who want to broaden their academic interests and gain insight into university-level research and undergraduate-style teaching. Each taster session will be one hour long and will introduce students to our researchers’ work, and what this subject area might be like to study at Undergraduate level.

Who Year 12 UK state school students who would like to get a taste of their subject at this level and learn from an Oxford University academic!

When 4.00-5.00pm on Thursdays, from 20 March to 22 May.

Where online

Links To register please follow this link.

Christ Church Women in PPE Programme

What Christ Church is offering a ‘Women in PPE’ programme, with a study day scheduled for Tuesday 27 May 2025 and online admissions-related workshops after the event.

The study day will include an introduction to Politics, Philosophy, and Economics at Oxford, taster sessions in each strand of the course, as well as an opportunity to ask questions to our PPE tutors directly. The participants will have a chance to meet students who study PPE at Oxford, have lunch in the Christ Church Hall, and go on a tour of the College. Participants are automatically eligible for our online admissions test workshops, interview workshops, and accommodation at the September Open Day (if living far from Oxford).

Who Year 12 UK women who would like to get a taste of PPE at Oxford.

When Tuesday 27 May 2025, followed by online admissions workshops.

Where Christ Church, University of Oxford – then online

Links You can see further details and apply at Christ Church Women in PPE.

Other University of Oxford Outreach Opportunities

Choosing Oxford – Our annual online Choosing Oxford student conference

What Our four-day online conference offers you an ideal opportunity to find out more about applying to Oxford, course information and the support available for students while studying here. If you’re not sure if Oxford could be for you, the Choosing Oxford conference will allow students, teachers and parents to hear from experts, chat to current students.

Who for prospective applicants hoping to apply in 2025. There are events for teachers, too. 

When from 4pm daily on Monday 17 to Thursday 20 March 2025.

Where online

Links see the full conference schedule and register at Choosing Oxford.

An extensive list of current advertised University outreach opportunities can be found from this web page:

All Current Advertised Outreach Opportunities

University Personal Statement Plan