QEHS had great success at the first round of the English Schools XC Cup at Temple Park, South Shields.
In the Inter boys race there were some outstanding individual results with Arthur DL and Magnus R coming 1st and 2nd combined with great pack running by the rest of the team with Morgan V, Leo DS and Arthur D coming 14,15 and 16. This meant a win for the Inter boys team.
There were some solid runs in the Inter girls race and again some good pack running coming 7th overall.
The senior girls race was another amazing display of pack running. With Ania S (5th), Esme P (9th), Emily L (10th), Emma N (11th) and Maria G (17th) the girls secured 1st place for the team.
In the senior boys race Ben B came 8th and Joe E 12th, with Aidan S and Joe M not far behind meaning the team were 4th overall. Excellent considering all but Ben were Year 11 and running against Y12 and 13 runners.
The inter boys, senior boys and senior girls teams now go on to compete in the next round at Middlesbrough on 9th November.
Brilliant Running Team QEHS!