Detailed below is information issued by Northumberland County Council and contacts for parents/carers in the event of a school closure.

QEHS will also pass information to parents/carers via the school website and via email. If you don’t currently receive emails please contact Updates will also be posted on the QEHS Facebook feed.

If the school needs to close during the day, we will send students home. Please make sure your child is able to contact you in such an event; the school will not contact parents/carers on an individual basis. Students will be able to remain on site if their bus has not arrived and can use the telephones in an emergency to contact parents/carers so that an alternative plan can be arranged.

Information for Parents from Northumberland County Council

During periods of severe weather there may be school closures or disruption to your child’s Home to School Transport. In these circumstances do you know what to do? Here are some tips:

  • Listen to local radio stations – mainly BBC Radio Newcastle (95.4fm); other useful stations are Metro Radio (103.2fm), Heart fm (96 and 100 to 102fm) and Radio Borders (102.3fm).
  • Go to the Northumberland County Council website – – and Facebook and Twitter feeds will also be updated.
  • The County Council will continuously update news on the front page.

In extreme cases, a school may have to close during the day due to severe weather and your child will be sent home early. Do you have a procedure in place for the care of your child until you arrive home? You could:

  • Make arrangements with a relative or close friend to care for your child until you are able to get home.
  • Inform the school and transport provider of these arrangements as it may be necessary for your child to seek alternative transportation from school.
  • Make sure the school has an ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) contact telephone number.
  • Investigate whether your child’s school operates an ‘Emergency Alert Scheme’ and sign up to it.
  • Above all, make sure your child is aware of the arrangements.

For more information please call our Contact Centre on 0345 600 6400.