QEHS Rowing Club News
For the latest Rowing Club news, please read the QEHS website news or follow the school’s Facebook feed.
Wansbeck Regatta – 18th May 2024
A small group of Y9 and 10 QEHS Rowers travelled to Wansbeck to compete on Saturday.
This is an ideal event for rowers new to side by side Regatta racing. The calm and sunny weather was ideal for racing.
Well done to all rowers who competed. They displayed the values of engage, respect, aspire while representing the school with pride.

Durham City Regatta – May 2024
QEHS Rowing Club News
QEHS took over 60 rowers to Durham to race the first regatta of the season. We came away with 7 wins overall with incredibly competitive racing from all crews. This included many of our junior crews beating adult crews, showcasing the great standard of rowing we have at QEHS.
Special mention to all of the year 9 crews in their first regatta, with lots of very mature racing and close results. Winning crews are as follows:
Open Novice Four: Josh M, Mack O’B, Dennis D, James B, cox Edward F
Womens band 2 four: Chloe P, Evie G, Ellen S, Rachel H, cox Katrine C
Year 10 boys quad: Josh M, Jacob F, Dennis D, Alexis H-H, cox Edward F
Open band 2 four: Benji W, Felix W, Adam R, Hugh B, cox Katrine C
Womens Pair: Charlotte G, Lucy W
Open band 2 singles: Finn B
Year 11 boys band 2 singles: Seth M
Junior Inter-regional Regatta, 20th April 2024
27 QEHS Rowing club athletes qualified to represent the Northern region at the junior Inter-regional regatta, held at Nottingham. The JIRR event is a competition for the best crews from all the regions of England, Wales and Scotland. This was a record number of QEHS athletes selected to represent the region. All crews participate in a time trial in the morning followed by a final in the afternoon. The finals are raced side by side which is exciting for the spectators to watch. The overall competition was won by London Upriver with 255 points, and the Northern region came 6th out of 13 regions with 189 points.
Results for the QEHS Rowing Club rowers are as follows
Year 9
Boys Quad: Morty C, James M, Barnaby T, Robin BM, cox Merry G. 5th overall
Year 10
Boys quad: Josh M, Dennis D, Alexis HH, Jacob F, cox Edward F. 8th overall
Girls four; Imogen B, Astrid CM, Cora H, Millie S, cox Edie L. 9th overall
Boys four: Mack O’B, Alex H, George J, James B, cox Elodie H. 5th overall
Year 11
Boys four: Benji W, Felix W, Adam R, Hugh B, cox Katrine C. 8th overall
Composite pair: Seth M, 8th overall
Composite eight: Lucy W, 9th overall
A great day of racing with some amazing results across the board. We hope that this is a great building block for these crews to perform well in the upcoming summer of races.
It was also great to see QEHS pupils who row for other local clubs representing the north of England with distinction. All crews raced to a high standard, well done everybody who participated.
And thank you to the parents who made the long trip to support.
Tyne New Year’s Head – January 2023
QEHS rowers competed this weekend at Tyne New Year’s head. It was great to see everyone back on the water. The bad weather and high river levels has prevented any rowing on the water. Pam reported that she had trialled a lot of different crews for this competition. It was great to hear that we had two Oct boats out. It is always impressive to see the power that these boats generate.
The next few weeks are critical as we build towards the key spring and summer competitions. We look forward to having a successful season.

Durham Long Distance Sculls & Single Boat Head Competition
10th November 2022
QEHS Hexham Rowers took part in the Durham Long Distance Sculls and Single Boat Head competition last Saturday. We had a range of boats competing over a distance of 1800m. Friday night was wet and windy and the team were loading boats onto trailers well into the dark! However, Saturday was warm and calm, which made for great racing and spectating conditions.
The major obstacle on the river is the bridge that you can see in the photographs. We had two winning crews over the event. Congratulations to both of them. It was brilliant to see the cooperation and encouragement from every member of the QEHS Rowing Club. A special thank you must go to all the parent volunteers that helped make this event a success.
Berwick Long Distance Sculls
November 2022
A small contingent of QEHS rowers made the long journey to compete at Berwick upon Tweed this weekend. The competition was the Berwick Long Distance sculls, held over 5000m. Emily and Ania (Y10) were the fastest women’s double crew on the day completing the course in 25 minutes and thirteen seconds. Also winning on the day were Robbie and Edward who won the open double section, in a time of 23 minutes 57.
Well done to all who competed. We are very proud of you!
Tyne Regatta
July 2022
At the end of the Tyne Regatta, J16 rowers Henry and Sam travelled to Nottingham to trial for the GB Junior Team to take on a French Team in July 2022 in France. The course at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham is always badly affected if the wind is strong and gusty. With weather patterns changing, it seems to be a more regular occurrence and once again caused the cancellation of the GB Trials after the time trial. Sam and Henry came 6th in the TT, which would have been good enough to get them into the A Final. They were pleased with their TT position but severely disappointed that they could not try to improve on that position in the cancelled side-by-side racing.
The penultimate local regatta held at Tyne ARC was also affected by the weather conditions, which produced challenging racing conditions down the Stella straight to Newburn. Tidal waters and a gusty fierce cross wind created a few problems for crews as they tried to get a level start position and then the worst racing conditions experienced by those racing on the North Station.
QEHS Rowing were involved in 15 finals recording 9 wins with every age group contributing to the wins total. This was a good result as illness, injury and Covid created many changed crew decisions for coaches. However, the most exciting race of the day was produced by J14 rowers Hugh and Adam in the first race of the day for QEHS, losing by less than a metre at the end of the 1000m course.
The first win for QEHS Rowing was recorded by Adam’s brother Ben and his rowing partner Ned taking on students from St Aidan’s College, Durham University in the final of the Open Men’s Double Sculls. Both Ned and Ben are very experienced coxes with many wins from coxing but Tyne is proving a happy hunting ground for this partnership. Last year Tyne Regatta was their first rowing win ever in their J16 double scull and they were very pleased to repeat last year’s success moving up to race in a senior category.
The second win came as two QEHSRC crews ended up in the final of the WJ14 B Coxed Quads with Naomi, Chloe, Ella, Grace and Amy (Cox) just getting the better of club mates Martha, Hannah, Pippa, Ellie and Josh (Cox).
The final of the J14 B Boys was also contested by two QEHS crews. Ben, Elliot, Isaac, Felix and George (Cox) won by a short margin against Cameron, Josh, Liam, Oliver and Ella (Cox).
Other wins came from:
• WJ15 Coxed Quad: Rachel, Chloe, Freya, Ellen and Adam (Cox)
• WJ16 Coxless Four: Lucy, Meg, Halle, Annie
• J16 Double Scull: Henry, Sam
• J18 Single Scull: Robbie
• J18 Coxless Quad: Robbie, Christian, David (CBS), Joe (TARC)
• Open Coxless Quad: Henry, Lucas, Lewis, Sam.