Re-turn is an exhibition at the Queen’s Hall in Hexham, created by staff and students from QEHS. The exhibition will run from June 24th to July 17th.
If you left school in summer 2019, 2020 or 2021, please can we borrow A-level art, graphics and photography work to create the exhibition?
Please contact Mr Pym at to arrange the loan of your paintings and framed work. We would also like to show digital and film work. If you have gone on to Foundation or Degree level study in visual arts, we can show your more recent work too.
The exhibition will feature work by recent alumni from Queen Elizabeth High school along side current students from the 6thform. This will celebrate the return of the popular art show that has run for many years showcasing the school’s creative art department with a spotlight on the those who missed out from two years’ cancellation but continued to make great art through the lockdowns.